Your donation will support independent research and public education programs that advance understanding about the many ways communication technologies impact our everyday lives- the good, bad, and ugly. CISI's research and advocacy will focus on implementing non-partisan solutions to harms caused by new technologies, emerging media systems, and media manipulation campaigns. 

CISI's commitment to the public education includes being open, accessible, and building coalitions of common concern across professional and cultural sectors. Because New England is a major hub for technological, political, cultural, and journalistic innovation, we are dedicated to enriching culture, art, and technology across Boston and surrounding areas.

If you would like to make a large donation, please reach out to for details.


CISI will not take donations (funding, data, or stock) that create a conflict of interest. 

CISI is a fiscally sponsored project of Aspiration, a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so gifts are tax deductible in the United States. To find out if your donation is deductible in your country contact your local tax advisor. Aspiration’s IRS tax ID number is 91-2106274.